Conditionally merge 2 text files using Python


I’m currently trying to merge the 2 following text files:

//POINTER #3 @ $3A2C - STRING #3 @ $3C85

//POINTER #4 @ $3A30 - STRING #4 @ $3CAA
//POINTER #3 @ $3BAC - STRING #3 @ $3E17
・Follower dies[NLINE]
・All party members die[END-FE]

//POINTER #4 @ $3BB0 - STRING #4 @ $3E42
・All party members die[END-FE]

After merging it should look like this:

//POINTER #3 @ $3A2C - STRING #3 @ $3C85
・Follower dies[NLINE]
・All party members die[END-FE]

//POINTER #4 @ $3A30 - STRING #4 @ $3CAA
・All party members die[END-FE]

Does anybody have some pointers/ideas on how to accomplish this using a Python script?

Asked By: Murow



This will work… I have already tested it.

import re

def match_line(line):
    match = re.match(r"//POINTER #(d+).*?-sSTRING #d.*$", line)
    if match:
        return match.groups()[0]
    return False

def extract_file1(file1, file2):
    lst = []
    start = 0
    while start < len(file1):
        number1 = match_line(file1[start])
        if number1:
            temp1 = start
            while file1[temp1] != "":
                temp1 += 1
            extract_file2(file2, lst, number1)
            start = temp1
            start += 1
    return lst

def extract_file2(file2, lst, number1):
    for i, line in enumerate(file2):
        number2 = match_line(line)
        if number2 and number2 == number1:
            temp2 = i + 3
            while file2[temp2] != "":
                temp2 += 1

def get_lines(path):
    return open(path, "rt", encoding="utf8").read().split("n")

def main(path1, path2, path3):
    file1, file2 = list(map(get_lines,[path1, path2]))
    lst = extract_file1(file1, file2)
    with open(path3, "wt", encoding="utf8") as fd:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    path1 = "file1.txt"
    path2 = "file2.txt"
    path3 = "file3.txt"
    main(path1, path2, path3)
Answered By: Alexander