If / else conditionals not working with input (Beginner python)


The output for this code always produces the result for the first if conditional and not for the elsif or else. Been trying to over an hour now and confused.

answer = input("Hi. Are you human?")

if answer == 'Yes' or 'yes':
    print("That's nothing to shout about")
elif answer == 'No' or 'no':
    print("Hi,Mark Zuckerberg")
     print("A cat just attacked this keyboard")
Asked By: Exquisite Mong



First off, your input read as follows:

if (answer == 'Yes') or 'yes':
    print("That's nothing to shout about")

since a non-empty string is, as boolean True this condition is the same as this one:

if (answer == 'Yes') or True:...

that will every time check as True.


You can solve this simply by turning:

if answer == 'Yes' or 'yes':
    print("That's nothing to shout about")

into this version, checking for equality in all 2 cases:

if answer == 'Yes' or  answer == 'yes':
    print("That's nothing to shout about")
... #do the same in the other

also i will point out that checking the lower version is faster and cleaner:

if answer.lower() == 'yes':... #functions same as the other one

This one will accept some other option such as:

  • yes
  • Yes
  • yEs
  • YEs
  • yeS
  • YeS
  • yES
  • YES
Answered By: XxJames07-

In python 3.8:

answer = input("Hi. Are you human?")
if answer == 'Yes' or answer== 'yes':
  print("That's nothing to shout about")
elif answer == 'No' or answer== 'no':
  print("Hi,Mark Zuckerberg")
  print("A cat just attacked this keyboard")

But you can make it easier with lower() function.

    answer = input("Hi. Are you human?")
    if answer== 'yes':
      print("That's nothing to shout about")
    elif answer== 'no':
      print("Hi,Mark Zuckerberg")
      print("A cat just attacked this keyboard")

And results:
input: yes

That's nothing to shout about

input: No

Hi,Mark Zuckerberg 

input: others

A cat just attacked this keyboard
Answered By: İlaha Algayeva