Masking the email and phone number in PySpark


I want to mask the email – the first and last character before ‘@’ remain unmasked and the rest should be masked.

For phone number, the first and the last digit remains unmasked and the rest will be masked.

enter image description here

Asked By: Kishan Yadav



You can use a UDF for that:

from pyspark.sql.functions import udf

def mask_email(email):
    at_index = email.index('@')
    return email[0] + "*" * (at_index-2) + email[at_index-1:]

def mask_mobile(mobile):
    return mobile[0] + "*" * (len(mobile) - 2) + mobile[-1]

mask_email_udf = udf(mask_email)
mask_mobile_udf = udf(mask_mobile)

df.withColumn("Masked_Email", mask_email_udf("Email")) 
  .withColumn("Masked_Mobile", mask_mobile_udf("Mobile")) 

# +---------------+-------------+------------+--------------------+----------+--------------------+-------------+
# |Customer_Number|Customer_Name|Customer_Age|               Email|    Mobile|        Masked_Email|Masked_Mobile|
# +---------------+-------------+------------+--------------------+----------+--------------------+-------------+
# |              1|         Aman|          27|   [email protected]|9923150074|   a*****[email protected]|   9********4|
# |              2|      Prateek|          28|   [email protected]|8756325412|   p*****[email protected]|   8********2|
# |              3|        Rajat|          27|goyal.rajat@gmail...|8784654186|g*********t@gmail...|   8********6|
# +---------------+-------------+------------+--------------------+----------+--------------------+-------------+

It might be possible to do it directly with Spark functions but I’m not sure how.

Answered By: leleogere

Use regexp_replace:


from pyspark.sql import functions as F
df = spark.createDataFrame(
    [(1, 'Aman', 27, '[email protected]', '9923150074'),
     (2, 'Prateek', 28, '[email protected]', '8727451936'),
     (3, 'Rajat', 27, '[email protected]', '9871288442')],
    ['Customer_Number', 'Customer_Name', 'Customer_Age', 'Email', 'Mobile']


df = df.withColumn('Email', F.regexp_replace('Email', '(?<!^).(?=.+@)', '*'))
df = df.withColumn('Mobile', F.regexp_replace('Mobile', '(?<!^).(?!$)', '*'))
# +---------------+-------------+------------+--------------------+----------+
# |Customer_Number|Customer_Name|Customer_Age|               Email|    Mobile|
# +---------------+-------------+------------+--------------------+----------+
# |              1|         Aman|          27|   a*****[email protected]|9********4|
# |              2|      Prateek|          28|p************i@re...|8********6|
# |              3|        Rajat|          27|g*********t@gmail...|9********2|
# +---------------+-------------+------------+--------------------+----------+

It’s enabled by regex lookarounds.

For Email, you replace every character with * when 2 conditions are satisfied:

  • (?<!^) means that right before this character you must not have the start of string
  • (?=.+@) means that after this character you must have at least one character followed by @ symbol

For Mobile, you replace every character with * when 2 conditions are satisfied:

  • (?<!^) – same as above – means that right before this character you must not have the start of string
  • (?!$) means that right after this character you must not have the end of string
Answered By: ZygD

Here you can easily mask email. I have used the DataBricks platform.

Question : 1 After email validation -> if email is valid, mask username & domain part, if not valid keep as it is. & Split username & domains to store in new columns of username & domain.

#create a DF from salesPath

df =

#create function to verify email

def verify_email(email):
  import re
  regex = '^w+([.-]?w+)@w+([.-]?w+)(.w{2,3})+$'
      return True
      return False

#Convert python function to UDF function
verify_email = udf(verify_email)

#used column to verify email

from pyspark.sql.functions import col

#result of email validation store into new DF as df1 

df1 ="email",verify_email(col("email"))

# define a udf for split username

def split_username(email):
    if '@' in email:
        return email.split('@')[0]
        return email

# define a udf for split domain

def split_domain(email):
    if '@' in email:
        return email.split('@')[1]
        return email

# register the udf

split_username_udf = udf(split_username)
split_domain_udf = udf(split_domain)

#apply the udf

df_result = (df1.withColumn('Username', split_username_udf("email"))

#import functions and perform masking based on condition

from pyspark.sql.functions import lit, col, when
masked_df =
    when(col("verify_email(email)") == lit("true"), lit("****")).otherwise(col("Username")).alias("masked_username")


Answered By: Pradeep Wagh

**–Question : Mobile/Phone Validation & Masking (replace) 1st digit of mobile number with 8.

Here I used DataBricks Platform

#read csv file and creae df ans pdf 

pdf = (
           .option("sep", ",")
           .option("header", True)
           .option("inferSchema", True)

#create function
import re   
def verify_phone(phone):

    # Define the regular expression pattern for phone numbers
    phone_regex = r'^+?d{1,3}[- ]?d{3,4}[- ]?d{4}$'

    # Use the re.match() function to check if the phone number matches the pattern
    if re.match(phone_regex, phone):
        return True
        return False

#Convert python function to UDF function
verify_phone = udf(verify_phone)

df1 = (pdf
         .select("phone", verify_phone(col("phone")).alias("valid_phone"))
         .filter("valid_phone == 'true'")

from pyspark.sql.functions import substring, concat

# Use substring() to extract the first digit and concat() 
df1 = df1.withColumn('Masked_column', concat(lit('8'),substring('phone', 2, 100)))

# Display the masked DataFrame

Answered By: Pradeep Wagh