when generating text the text displays <function s at 0x000001B240AB3E2> how can I display the generated thing properly in tkinter python?


from ctypes.wintypes import SIZE
from tkinter import * # import tkinter
import secrets

window = Tk() # creates window

window.title('PassGen') # changes title
window.geometry('600x400') # sets size
window.resizable(False,False) # prevents user from changing size

title = Label(window,text = 'PassGen', font=('Times',20)) # creates title
title.place(x=260,y=75) # displays title at desird location

v = DoubleVar()
scale = Scale(window, variable = v, from_ = 8, to = 16, orient = HORIZONTAL)

def s():
    if scale == 8:
    elif scale == 9:
    elif scale == 10:
    elif scale == 11:
    elif scale == 12:
    elif scale == 13:
    elif scale == 14:
    elif scale == 15:
    elif scale == 16:

def password():
    display = Text(window,height=1,width=32) # displays text
    display.insert('1.0', s) # inserts the pasword generator into the text
    display.place(x=80,y=153) # displays the ext in a specific place
    display.config(state='disabled') # prevents user from editing password

button = Button(window, text = 'Generate Password', command = password).place(x=350,y=150) # button for user to click and generate password.

window.mainloop()# displays window infinitely

when generating text the text displays <function s at 0x000001B240AB3E2> how can I display the generated thing properly in tkinter python?

I want the scale to control the length of the generated text but it displays <function s at 0x000001B240AB3E20> instead of something like dljvdlk2okd0d

Asked By: rnsleep



You should do display.insert('1.0', s()) instead of just s (because originally you just pass a reference to s instead of whatever string it returns.

You should also return your results in s() like return secrets.token_hex() instead of just putting them in parathesis. Python doesn’t have implicit return.

Answered By: Amilia C

There are few issues in your code:

  • it is better to use IntVar instead of DoubleVar for v
  • need to return result from s()
  • use s() instead of s in display.insert('1.0', s)
v = IntVar()  # use IntVar instead of DoubleVar
scale = Scale(window, variable = v, from_ = 8, to = 16, orient = HORIZONTAL)
def s():
    return secrets.token_hex(v.get())

def password():
    display = Text(window,height=1,width=32) # displays text
    ### use s() instead of s in below line
    display.insert('1.0', s()) # inserts the pasword generator into the text
    display.place(x=80,y=153) # displays the ext in a specific place
    display.config(state='disabled') # prevents user from editing password

Actually you don’t need s() at all:

def password():
    display = Text(window,height=1,width=32) # displays text
    # call secrets.token_hex(v.get()) directly instead of s()
    display.insert('1.0', secrets.token_hex(v.get()))
    display.place(x=80,y=153) # displays the ext in a specific place
    display.config(state='disabled') # prevents user from editing password
Answered By: acw1668