Get the first two words from a struct in PySpark data frame


      (("Tom Cruise",""),["Python","Scala"],{'hair':'red','eye':'grey'}),
      (("Tom Brand",None),["Perl","Ruby"],{'hair':'black','eye':'blue'})]
schema = ['n','ln','p']
df = spark.createDataFrame(data,schema=schema)

|                n|             ln|                   p|
|    {James, Bond}|     [Java, C#]|{eye -> brown, ha...|
|     {Ann, Varsa}| [.NET, Python]|{eye -> black, ha...|
|   {Tom Cruise, }|[Python, Scala]|{eye -> grey, hai...|
|{Tom Brand, null}|   [Perl, Ruby]|{eye -> blue, hai...|

name ='n')

I tried the filter method to get the first and second names in a separate column, but it didn’t work.

The desired output:

first |last
James |Bond
Tom   |Cruise
Tom   |Brand
Asked By: rijin.p



The column n is of struct data type. You can convert struct column to array, then join all the array’s elements using space as delimiter " ". Then you can take the first and the second word after you split this column using the same delimiter.

from pyspark.sql import functions as F

col_joined = F.array_join(F.array("n.*"), " ")
df =
    F.split(col_joined," ")[0].alias("first"),
    F.split(col_joined," ")[1].alias("last"),
# +-----+------+
# |first|  last|
# +-----+------+
# |James|  Bond|
# |  Ann| Varsa|
# |  Tom|Cruise|
# |  Tom| Brand|
# +-----+------+
Answered By: ZygD