Passing token to Locust request


I am trying to pass the Oauth token generated into a @task request

This is resulting in a 401 error

from locust import HttpUser, constant, task
import urllib3

class ProcessRequests(HttpUser):

    def on_start(self):

        tenant_id = "tenant123"
        client_id = "client123"
        secret = "secret123"
        scope = "api://123/.default"

        body ="grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=" + client_id + "&client_secret=" + secret + "&scope=" + scope

        tokenResponse =
                headers = { "ContentType": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"} 

        response = tokenResponse.json()
        responseToken = response['access_token']

        self.headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer' + responseToken}

    def get_labware(self):
        self.client.get("https://url/123", name="Labware",headers=self.headers)

    def get_instruments(self):
        self.client.get("https://url/456", name="Instruments", headers=self.headers)

I got this to work in K6/javascript so I know the parameters are correct. I just must not be parsing or passing them correctly here in python.

Asked By: JD2775



You need a space between Bearer and your token. Try this:

self.headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + responseToken}
Answered By: Solowalker
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