How do I copy a row from an existing dataframe df_a into a new dataframe df_b?


How do I copy a row from an existing dataframe df_a into a new dataframe df_b? Also, a cell from dataframe df_a into the new dataframe df_b? See the following example:

for index, row in df__data.iterrows():

     for i in range(df__attributes_to_compare.shape[0]):
        if row[df__attributes_to_compare["info_a"].values[i]] != row[df__attributes_to_compare["info_b"].values[i]]:      
               # new_df.append(key columns values + unsimiliar compared values)


key1 key2 key3 attrb1 attrb2 attrb3
sfdg dagd dgsg 12 43 24
afrtf yxcbb ertet 34 45 34


info_a info_b
attrb1 attrb2
attrb1 attrb3

new_df, target output:

key1 key2 key3 value1 value2
sfdg dagd dgsg 12 43
sfdg dagd dgsg 12 24
afrtf yxcbb ertet 34 45

The values that do not match are stored in value1 and value2.

Asked By: di1a



Here is my solution

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

data = {"key1":     ["sfdg", "afrtf"],
        "key2":     ["dagd", "yxcbb"],
        "key3":     ["dgsg", "ertet"],
        "attrb1":   ["12", "34"],
        "attrb2":   ["43", "45"],
        "attrb3":   ["24", "34"]}

df__data = pd.DataFrame(data = data)

list_key = ["key1", "key2", "key3"]

# attributes_to_compare = {"info_a": ["attrb1", "attrb1"],
#                          "info_b": ["attrb2", "attrb3"]}

# df__attributes_to_compare = pd.DataFrame(data = attributes_to_compare)

list__attributes_to_compare = ["attrb1", "attrb2", 
                               "attrb1", "attrb3"]

key_set = []
values = []

for index, row in df__data.iterrows():
    for i in range(int(len(list__attributes_to_compare)/2)):
        i = i*2
        if row[list__attributes_to_compare[i]] != row[list__attributes_to_compare[i+1]]:
             values.append([row[list__attributes_to_compare[i]], row[list__attributes_to_compare[i+1]]])       

df__values = pd.DataFrame(data = values, columns = ["value1", "value2"])

df__key_set = pd.DataFrame(data = key_set, columns = list_key)
df__key_set["new_index"] = np.arange(df__key_set.shape[0])
df__key_set.set_index("new_index", inplace = True)

df__result = df__key_set.merge(df__values, left_index=True, right_index=True) 

Does anyone have suggestions for improvement?

Answered By: di1a

You could try the following, which is bit more focused:

def select(row):
    col1, col2 = row
    df = df__data[["key1", "key2", "key3"] + [col1, col2]]
    return df[df[col1] != df[col2]].rename(columns={col1: "value1", col2: "value2"})

result = pd.concat(
    map(select, df__attributes_to_compare.itertuples(index=False)),
    axis=0, ignore_index=True

The result is not exactly in the same order given in the question but essentially the same:

    key1   key2   key3  value1  value2
0   sfdg   dagd   dgsg      12      43
1  afrtf  yxcbb  ertet      34      45
2   sfdg   dagd   dgsg      12      24
Answered By: Timus