Capturing a string without escape sequence


So I’m setting out on my coding journey by completing hackerrank problems, and I’m stuck in a step. I will not explain the problem, but will only try to explain the step I’m stuck in.

So I have a list of strings, all of them except for the last one have the "r" escape sequence, as a string.

I try to remove the r manually using re but fail to do so.
Please help me out!

(Edit: I actually used re.sub, I just typed it wrong)

Here is the code:

`l = ['S;V;iPadr', 'C;M;mouse padr', 'C;C;code swarmr', 'S;C;OrangeHighlighter']
 pattern= re.compile("""\[r]""")
 l_new = [pattern.sub(i,'') for i in l] `
Asked By: NK Rao



What you’re looking for is the re.sub() method:

import re

l = ['S;V;iPadr', 'C;M;mouse padr', 'C;C;code swarmr', 'S;C;OrangeHighlighter']
l_new = [re.sub(r'r', '', i) for i in l]

This will remove all occurrences of the r escape sequence.

Answered By: Aaron Meese

I’d suggest not using the re module, and instead using the more pythonic approach of using [i.replace('r','')for i in l].

Answered By: iteratedwalls