Flask SQLAlchemy,Postman returns a single data


When ı run this code in VSCode:

    table_name = 'student'
    query = f'SELECT * FROM {table_name}'
    result = db.session.execute(query)
    for elem in result:

It prints every data in the table. But when I try it in Postman with return and GET method:

    table_name = 'student'
    query = f'SELECT * FROM {table_name}'
    result = db.session.execute(query)
    for elem in result:
        return jsonify(dict(elem))

Returns only 1 data with id=1. I want to see all data in Postman. How can ı do that.

Asked By: Quiblord



Flask’s jsonify() returns ready response on the first element, loop breaks.

try: return jsonify(dict(result))

but result must be db.session.execute(…).fetchall()

Answered By: sergelab