Working with picture in AlternateContent tag


I need to move an element from one document to another by using python-docx. The element is AlternateContent which represents shapes and figures in Office Word, the issue here is that one of the elements contains an image like this:

    <Choice Requires="wpc">
            <inline distT="0" distB="0" distL="0" distR="0" wp14_anchorId="0DCE320C" wp14_editId="0DCE320D">
                <extent cx="5826587" cy="2494357" />
                <effectExtent l="0" t="0" r="0" b="1270" />
                <docPr id="1108" name="Zeichenbereich 5" />
                    <graphicFrameLocks xmlns_a="" noChangeAspect="1" />
                <graphic xmlns_a="">
                    <graphicData uri="">
                            <pic xmlns_pic="">
                                    <cNvPr id="687" name="Picture 28" />
                                        <picLocks noChangeAspect="1" noChangeArrowheads="1" />
                                    <blip r_embed="rId20">
                                            <ext uri="{28A0092B-C50C-407E-A947-70E740481C1C}">
                                                <useLocalDpi xmlns_a14="" val="0" />
                                    <srcRect />
                                        <fillRect />

What I did is extract the image by getting its rid from r:embed and then save it to the disk, after I re-add the image using add_picture() from the Run class, sadly this process cannot be achieved because from above example the <pic> tag is not included in a run.
So my question is how I can save the element AlternateContent into python object then re-add it to a Word document?

Asked By: Ahmad



Because of the fact that this functionality is not fully supported through python-docx API and processing images is kind of complicated -because of the multiple parts that must be handled (ImagePart, Relationship, rId)- the work had to be done at a low level by going into lxml, in these steps:

  • Save the images into the disk when reading the file.
  • Get rid of the image to add it separately.
  • Build a pic:pic element using lxml functions (SubElement and Element)
  • Repeat the process to handle all the pictures.
for image_elem in list_of_images:
       image_path = image_elem("image_path")
       rel_id, _ = _run.part.get_or_add_image(image_path)
       image_name = image_path.split("\")[-1]
       add_image_to_shape(shape_element, rel_id, image_name)

The function add_image_to_shape is done like this:

shape = [elem for elem in shape_element.iterdescendants(tag='{}wpc')][0]
    image = etree.SubElement(shape, 'pic')
    nvPicPr = etree.SubElement(image, 'nvPicPr')
    cNvPr = etree.SubElement(nvPicPr, 'cNvPr')
    cNvPr.set('id', '1')
    cNvPr.set('descr', image_name)
    cNvPicPr = etree.SubElement(nvPicPr, 'cNvPicPr')
    picLocks = etree.SubElement(cNvPicPr, 'picLocks')
    picLocks.set('noChangeAspect', '1')
    picLocks.set('noChangeArrowheads', '1')
    blipFill = etree.SubElement(image, 'blipFill')
    blip = etree.SubElement(blipFill, 'blip')
    blip.set('embed', rel_id)
    srcRect = etree.SubElement(blipFill, 'srcRect')
    stretch = etree.SubElement(blipFill, 'stretch')
    fillRect = etree.SubElement(stretch, 'fillRect')
Answered By: Ahmad