How can I authenticate a user who belongs to another database through my other microservice in django rest framework?


I’m new to django and I am required to create two microservices with separate databases;

One to hold user information and the other to hold todo/tasks information. So far, I have created two separate projects with two separate databases,

  1. To authenticate the user using simplejwt authentication. (todo_auth project with todo_auth database)
  2. To show the todo/task information specific to that user. (todo project with todo database)

I need the todo project to verify the token by routing it back to the todo_auth project, and then I need the todo_auth project to send a response to the todo project. (By specifying the port)

How can I achieve this? Many thanks.

PS: I’m running the two django projects on the same server with different port numbers.

Asked By: John Anderson



Simple JWT provides a verify route that you can pass a token to which will validate it was singed by the server and it is not expired.

From the documentation:

You can also include a route for Simple JWT’s TokenVerifyView if you wish to allow API users to verify HMAC-signed tokens without having access to your signing key:

from rest_framework_simplejwt.views import TokenVerifyView

urlpatterns = [
   path('api/token/verify/', TokenVerifyView.as_view(), name='token_verify'),

If you want to do some other logic you should just write a normal view, use the JWT auth provided, and have the other one forward the token in the request

# todo-project
class ToDoView(APIView):
   def get(self, request):
       auth = request.headers["authorization"]
       response = requests.get(
               "Authorization": auth
       if response.status_code = 200: 

# todo-auth-service 
class DoThing(APIView):
    authentication_classes = [JWTAuthentication]
    def get(self, request):
Answered By: Andrew
This will work. You only have to use middleware to check and verify the token in another service. Or you can make an API in your first service to identify the token accordingly.

Answered By: Sandeep