convert links from html page to json format in python


I have an HTML page and I want to get the links from this page and then convert them into JSON format. This is the link to searchpage

Here is what I have tried.

class HtmltoJsonParser(HTMLParser):
    def __init__(self,raise_exception = True): 
        self.doc = {}
        self.path = [] 
        self.cur = self.doc
        self.line = 0
        self.raise_exception = raise_exception
    def json(self):
        return self.doc
    def to_json(content, raise_exception = True):
        parser = HtmltoJsonParser(raise_exception = raise_exception)
        return parser.json
    def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
        # Only parse the 'anchor' tag.
        if tag == "a":
            for name,link in attrs:
                if name == "href" and link.startswith("http"):
                    self.cur["" +name]= link
                    #print (link)

I took the help from this blog. I want to get an output like this

    "ads": [
           "position": 1,
           "link": "",
         "position": 2,
         "link": "",
    }   ] }

but Im getting this

{‘href’: ‘’}

Why is it not appending the link to JSON self.cur? I have tried appending it but I got key error every time.

Asked By: snoozy



the problem is here

self.cur["" +name]= link

as name=='href' is true, this will always update the value stored at name and not append it. try this.

    def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
        # Only parse the 'anchor' tag.
        if tag == "a":
            for name, link in attrs:
                if name == "href" and link.startswith("http"):
                    cur = {}
                    cur["position"]= self.line
                    self.line += 1
                    cur["link"] = link 
                    #print (link)

but with what you have mentioned you should change link.startswith("http") to link.startswith("/url?q=")

Answered By: iamtrappedman
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