poetry install – ParseConstraintError Could not parse version constraint: install ERROR


I am working with python poetry, to know about it refer.
While installing it I didnt get any issue, command.

Poetry was able to install the packages, however it was getting stuck in between.
I tried to do multiple solutions present on the stack overflow and on google. Again nothing worked.
Now I`m getting the following error:

(.venv) PS C:Project_Filebackend> poetry install
Installing dependencies from lock file

  Could not parse version constraint: install                                                                       
  at ~AppDataRoamingpypoetryvenvlibsite-packagespoetrycoresemver__init__.py:149 in parse_single_constraint
      145│             return VersionUnion(VersionRange(max=version), VersionRange(min=version))                    
      146│         else:                                                                                            
      147│             return version                                                                               
    → 149│     raise ParseConstraintError(                                                                          
      150│         "Could not parse version constraint: {}".format(constraint)                                      
      151│     )                                                                                                    

I found some related error questions on stack overflow:
Could not parse version constraint ~x.x: Invalid version string "~x.x" .
Though I`m not able to figure out how could I solve my issue.

If anyone from the community could support would be very helpful for me.

Asked By: Lakshay Rohilla



I by mistake edited the poetry.lock file.
Just rollbacked the changes and then run poetry install.

The aforementioned error got fixed.

Answered By: Lakshay Rohilla

In my case, this issue seems to have been triggered with the latest version of poetry, 1.2.1. Downgrading to 1.1.12 fixed it.

Answered By: chaitan94