convert byte to string represented with backslahes in python


I have a python byte object like

a = b'1'

I want to convert to string like


is there any easy way to do this?

Ultimately I have a byte object like

my_obj = b'x00$x00x00x001.1.0.00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x001.1.0.21152x00x00'

and I want it to have a string with all chars backscaped.

Asked By: mhanuel



a = b'12'
s = "".join(f"\x{abyte:02x}" for abyte in a)
# something like "\x33\x34"

I guess … i still think you dont actually want to do this …

if its just for readability then this is a good answer

import binascii
print(binascii.hexlify(a," ")) # something like "33 34"
Answered By: Joran Beasley