Ignore words with punctuation when replacing them in text file using dictionary


I have the a text file with multiple lines. I need to use a dictionary to replace words in that text file with new ones.

I need to exclude words with punctuation on them (e.g. cat! dance?).

I need to save the results in a new text file and also keep the formatting of the original one.

Here is what I have been trying to do so far in Python.

The result I want is a new text file with the following three lines:

I love my cat!

I love to drink water

Do I really want to dance?

#--create my custom dictionary 

mydict = {
  "cat": "dog",
  "milk": "water", #--mistakenly had these switched in original post
  "dance": "sit"

#--import list of punctuations

from string import punctuation

#--create sample data 

f=open("mytextfile.txt", "w+")
f.write("I love my cat!" + "n" + "I love to drink milk" + "n" + "Do I really want to dance?" + "n") 

#--read in sample data

i = open("mytextfile.txt", "r")

txtfile = i.read()



#--create an empty list for new textfile

new_txtfile = []

#--for loop through each sentence

for line in txtfile:
    words = line.split()
    for word in words:
        new_word = []
        if word in punctuation:
            new_word = word #--do not replace word if it is punctuated
            new_word = mydict.get(word) #--replace word using dictionary
    new_line= 'n'.join(new_word)

#--save the new textfile 
#--make sure the new lines are preserved

with open("my_new_file.txt", 'w') as file:
        for row in new_textfile:
            s = " ".join(map(str, row))

Asked By: ealfons1



You can just remove extra characters (i.e. n) and check if there is a match between the word in the dict and if so then map it across. If there is punctation then the word will not match – so we do not need a separate rule for this. "cat" != "dog" but also "cat!" != "cat.

#--create my custom dictionary 

my_dict = {
  "cat": "dog",
  "water": "milk",
  "dance": "sit"

#--import list of punctuations

from string import punctuation

#--create sample data 

with open("mytextfile.txt", "w+") as f:
    f.write("I love my cat!" + "n" + "I love to drink milk" + "n" + 
    "Do I really want to dance?" + "n") 

#--read in sample data

with open("mytextfile.txt", "r") as i:
    txtfile = i.readlines()


#--create an empty list for new textfile

new_txtfile = []

#--for loop through each sentence

for line in txtfile:
    words = line.replace("n", "").split(" ")
    for index, word in enumerate(words):
        new_word = []
        if word in my_dict.keys():
            print(f'replacing {word} with {my_dict[word]}')
            words[index] = my_dict[word]
        elif word in my_dict.values():
            for key, value in my_dict.items():
                if word == value:
                    words[index] = key
    words[-1] = words[-1]  + "n"
    new_txtfile.append(" ".join(words))

#--save the new textfile 
#--make sure the new lines are preserved

with open("my_new_file.txt", 'w') as file:

Answered By: Jeremy Savage

You forgot brackets in your close method. Should be i.close() insted i.close. The best practise is using a context manager instead of open/close methods. Read more.
Also you try append to non existing list new_textfile instead new_txtfile.

Bellow you will find solution with comments:

from string import punctuation # [1]
mydict = {
    "cat": "dog",
    "milk": "water", # [2]
    "dance": "sit"

with open("mytextfile.txt", "w+") as f: # [3]
    f.write("I love my cat!" + "n" + "I love to drink milk" + "n" + "Do I really want to dance?" + "n")

new_txtfile = []

with open("mytextfile.txt", "r") as file:
    for line in file:
        words = line.replace("n", "").split()
        for index, word in enumerate(words):
            if mydict.get(word) and word[-1] not in punctuation: # [4]]
                words[index] = mydict.get(word)
        new_txtfile.append(" ".join(words))

with open("my_new_file.txt", 'w') as file:
  1. All import should be on the top of file. Read more.
  2. I replaced value and key here. It has more sense in this case.
  3. Replaced open/close by context manager to avoid errors (like missing brackets 😉 )
  4. I checked if the word is in the dict. If yes, and the last character is not punctationa I finding index for this word and in words list i replace word with this index using result from the dict

the final file otput:

I love my cat!
I love to drink water
Do I really want to dance?
Answered By: JacekK

You don’t really need to consider punctuation because, for example, ‘cat!’ is not equal to ‘cat’. So, all you need is this:

INFILE = "mytextfile.txt"
OUTFILE = "my_new_file.txt"

mydict = {
  "cat": "dog",
  "water": "milk",
  "dance": "sit"

with open(INFILE, "w") as txt:
    print("I love my cat!", file=txt)
    print("I love to drink milk", file=txt)
    print("Do I really want to dance?", file=txt)

with open(INFILE) as txt, open(OUTFILE, 'w') as newtext:
    for line in map(str.strip, txt):
        words = line.split()
        for i, word in enumerate(words):
            if (replacement := mydict.get(word)) is not None:
                words[i] = replacement
        print(' '.join(words), file=newtext)

Output (file content):

I love my cat!
I love to drink milk
Do I really want to dance?


Of course, given the dictionary as shown in the question, this won’t modify the file because none of the keys (words) will match

Answered By: Vlad
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