Detect special values in one column


I am trying to detect values with some specific characters e.g(?,/ etc). Below you can see a small sample with some data.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
data = {
df1 = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = [

Now I want to detect values with specific characters that are not numbers ('00001000/1','00001000?','0?00/10000') I tried with this lines below

import re

clean = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9._-]', '', df1['artificial_number'])

But this code is not working as I expected. So can anybody help me how to solve this problem ?

Asked By: silent_hunter



#replace the non-digit with an empty value
df1['artificial_number'].str.replace(r'([^d])','', regex=True)
0    000100000
1    000010000
2    000010001
3     00001000
4     00010000
Name: artificial_number, dtype: object

if you like to list the column with non-digit values


2   00001000/1
3   00001000?
4   0?00/10000
Answered By: Naveed

Assuming a number in your case is an integer, to find the values that have non-numbers, just count the number of numbers, and compare with length of string:

rows = [len(re.findall('[0-9]', s)) != len(s) for s in  df1.artificial_number]

#  artificial_number
#2        00001000/1
#3         00001000?
#4        0?00/10000

Answered By: dermen

To detect which of the values aren’t interpretable as numeric, you can also use str.isnumeric:


2        00001000/1
3         00001000?
4        0?00/10000

If all characters need to be digits (e.g. 10.0 should also be excluded), use str.isdigit:


df1.iloc[0,0] = '000100000.0'

0       000100000.0
2        00001000/1
3         00001000?
4        0?00/10000
Answered By: ouroboros1
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