Pylint: warn of redundant `pylint: disable` comments?


I created a class:

class Blahaj:
    def swim(self):

    # todo: consider other modes of transport

Pylint warned there were too few public methods, which I acknowledged by adding a # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods comment.

Now I’ve added more methods, is there a way to get Pylint to warn me that the earlier comment is now redundant?

class Blahaj:  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
    #          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ now redundant
    def swim(self):

    def jump(self):

    def fly(self):

    def ski(self):
Asked By: Jack Deeth



Since you’ve manually disabled it, it won’t notify you about it anymore for that class. So to answer this, no. There is only your keen eye for re-evaluating disabled checks upon code change.

Answered By: KazzyJr
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