Renaming a dict key to value of other key


I’m kinda new to python but I have a dict containing sort of key pairs:


I want to rename the ‘..0_name’ key to the value of that key.
And at the same time the ‘..0_raw_value’ value, has to become the value of the ‘..0_name’ key like so:


I’ve been breaking my head over this, any suggestions?
Thanks in advance

Asked By: sco




dct = {
    "ata_smart_attributes_table_0_name": "Raw_Read_Error_Rate",
    "ata_smart_attributes_table_0_raw_value": 0,
    "ata_smart_attributes_table_7_name": "Power_On_Hours",
    "ata_smart_attributes_table_7_raw_value": 1046,

out = {
    v: dct[k.rsplit("_", maxsplit=1)[0] + "_raw_value"]
    for k, v in dct.items()
    if k.endswith("_name")



{"Raw_Read_Error_Rate": 0, "Power_On_Hours": 1046}
Answered By: Andrej Kesely
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