Python regex match the third line containing a float


I have a list containing those 3 lines repeated n times:

Choice : Q1
Expected : 0,5

The only value that differ into the list is the third line Expected : 0,5 the float number can differ from -10 to 10.

I haven’t managed to come up with a regular expression to only get the float number inside the third line yet.

I’m not comfortable with regex, what I’ve managed to dot yet is something like this:


Here is my regex demo.

Any good suggestion?

Asked By: Jin



You can use


See the regex demo.


  • b – a word boundary
  • [0-9]+ – one or more digits
  • (?:,[0-9]+)? – an optional sequence of a comma and one or more digits
  • b – a word boundary
Answered By: Wiktor Stribiżew

You don’t need a regex for a simple task like this:

>>> s = 'Expected : 0,5'
>>> value = s.split(':')[-1].strip()
>>> value

If you want it to be a float rather than a string:

>>> num_value = float(value.replace(',', '.'))
>>> num_value
Answered By: gog
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