Using Pandas df.loc


I have a DataFrame of a csv file which is being read by pandas. What I am attempting to do is use df.loc to add a new column but only insert values into the column when values from another column, called "SKU" end with "-RF" and "-NEW".

The code I was working on is below. It has the csv file being read, "original_file", and then two .loc commands. ONE new column called "Cond" is supposed to be being added, and I want "NEW" to be added to that column where the value in the ‘SKU’ column ends with "-NEW" and "USED" to be added to the new column where the ‘SKU’ ends with "-RF".

AttributeError: ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘str’

This is the error I have been getting on it.

original_file = pd.read_csv('wc-product-export-20-9-2022-1663680891149.csv')

original_file.loc[['SKU'].str.endswith("-RF"),'Cond'] = 'USED'
original_file.loc[['SKU'].str.endswith("-NEW"),'Cond'] = 'NEW'
Asked By: ijoubert21



Hope this is what you are looking for. You can use the apply function to check every cell in the SKU column and insert into the new column accordingly.

original_file['NEWCOL'] = original_file['SKU'].apply(
    lambda x: 'USED' if x.endswith('-RF') else 'NEW' if x.endswith('-NEW') else None)
Answered By: Markus Schmidgall

Try with adding the df when you call column by name

original_file.loc[original_file['SKU'].str.endswith("-RF"),'Cond'] = 'USED'
Answered By: BENY