In python, is there a way to vectorize adding the previous row to the current one?


Is there a way for me to vectorize adding the values from one row to all the subsequent rows in a vectorized manner in python?

I was trying to use dataframe to get there but was struggling to vectorize it. This can be done with a for loop.

For example, if I use a table like this:

Table A

Index A B C
1 10 11 12
2 0 0 0
3 0 1 2
4 7 0 1

and add this to another table:

Table B

Index A B C
1 0 0 10
2 0 0 0
3 0 0 0
4 0 0 0

the result would be:

Index A B C
1 10 11 22
2 10 11 22
3 10 12 24
4 17 12 25

The for loop of this would be something like this:

tableA.ix[0, :] = tableA.ix[0, :] + tableB.ix[i, :]

for i in range(1, len(tableA.index)):
   tableA.ix[i, :] = tableA.ix[i-1, :] + tableB.ix[i, :]

Asked By: Sleo



Try this;

df3 = df1.cumsum(axis = 0).add(df2.cumsum(axis = 0), fill_value=0)
df3["INDEX"] = range(1,df3.shape[0]+1)

# Output;
   INDEX   A   B   C
0      1  10  11  22
1      2  10  11  22
2      3  10  12  24
3      4  17  12  25
Answered By: Sachin Kohli
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