i think im confusing python and java logic (python while loop error)


import requests
import csv
import PyPDF2
import regex
import finnhub
import json
from schwab_api import Schwab

russell3000 = "https://research.ftserussell.com/analytics/factsheets/Home/DownloadConstituentsWeights/?indexdetails=US3000"

def gather_index(index):

    tickers = []
    ciks = []

    with open("index.pdf", "wb") as f:

    pdfReader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(open("index.pdf", "rb"))

    for x in range(pdfReader.numPages):
        pageObj = pdfReader.getPage(x)

        for y in regex.findall("(?<=Countryn|United Statesn)(.*?)(?=n[0-9][.][0-9][0-9][0-9])", pageObj.extractText()):
                database = requests.get("https://www.sec.gov/files/company_tickers.json").json()
                i = 0

                while True:


                        if y==database[i]["title"]:
                            tickers += database[i]["ticker"]

                                cik = database[i]["cik_str"]

                                for z in range(10-database[i]["cik_str"].length()):
                                    cik = "0"+cik

                                ciks += cik

                                ciks += database[i]["cik_str"]

                            i += 1

                    except KeyError:

                        i += 1

    return ciks, tickers

if __name__ == "__main__":


im really not quite sure what goes wrong here

i know that the loop keeps going on and on but my logic seems sound-ish

the goal of this is to save and read the pdf to find a company name then save and search the json line by line for the company and save the ticker and cik to a list

Asked By: Nathan Williamson



You don’t need a while loop at all. You are iterating over a finite amount of data.

You only need to lookup company tickers once. Then you can regex match the PDF and cross-compare


# Gather SEC data
company_tickers = requests.get("https://www.sec.gov/files/company_tickers.json").json()

sec_data = dict()
for _, v in company_tickers.items():
    sec_data[v['title']] = v  # create a reverse index

# Compare against PDF fact sheet
tickers = []
pdfReader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(open("index.pdf", "rb"))
for x in range(pdfReader.numPages):
    pageObj = pdfReader.getPage(x)
    for y in regex.findall("(?<=Countryn|United Statesn)(.*?)(?=n[0-9][.][0-9][0-9][0-9])", pageObj.extractText()):
        if y in sec_data:  # do a key lookup based on the title


Not sure what cik represents… but data["cik_str"] seem to be integers, so do not have a .length, but seems you want to left-pad with zeros?

>>> aapl = {
...     "cik_str": 320193,
...     "ticker": "AAPL",
...     "title": "Apple Inc."
...   }
>>> aapl['cik_str']
>>> str(aapl['cik_str']).zfill(10)
Answered By: OneCricketeer
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