Using only for loop and if statement (no built in functions), group the similar values in a column and add the corresponding values in another column


I have a following dataframe – df (this is a demo one, actual one is very big):

Text Score
‘I love pizza!’ 2
‘I love pizza!’ 1
‘I love pizza!’ 3
‘Python rules!’ 0
‘Python rules!’ 5

I want to group the ‘Text’ column values and then add the following rows of the ‘Score’ column.
The output I desire is thus:

Text Score Sum
‘I love pizza!’ 2 6
‘I love pizza!’ 1 6
‘I love pizza!’ 3 6
‘Python rules!’ 0 5
‘Python rules!’ 5 5

I know how to get the desired output using Python/Pandas groupby and sum() (and aggregate) methods, for instance,

df1 = df.groupby('Text')['Score'].sum().reset_index(name='Sum')
df3 = df.merge(df1, on='Text', how='left')

However, I do not want to use any such in-built functions. I want to only use simple for loop and if statement to accomplish this.

I tried doing this the following way:

def func(df):
    # NOTE, CANNOT USE LIST APPEND (as it is an in-built function).
    sum = 0
    for i in range(0,n):
        exists = False  #flag to track repeated values

        for j in range(i+1,n):            
            if df['text'][i] == df['text'][j]: # IF TRUE, THEN THE 'TEXT' ROWS ARE SIMILAR I.E. GROUPED
                exists = True
                sum = df['score'][i] + df['score'][j]
        if not exists:
            sum += sum

    return sum

df['Sum'] = func(df)

The output for this script is incorrect:

Text Score Sum
‘I love pizza!’ 2 10
‘I love pizza!’ 1 10
‘I love pizza!’ 3 10
‘Python rules!’ 0 10
‘Python rules!’ 5 10

I have tried playing around with the above script, I get different results, but never the correct one. Any help with this is greatly appreciated!
Thank you so much in advance!

Asked By: GaussEuler



Herein is the script that produces the correct output for the above question:

def func(df):
    result = []
    final_result = []
    n = len(df['Text'])
    #Add a list of zeros the same length as the original list (= n) to flag positions already checked
    flags = [0] * n
    for k in range(0,n):
        sum = df['Score'][k]
        for i in range(0,n):
            #Step to skip (continue) without doing anything if the position has already been flagged (processed, counted)
            if flags[i]:
                if i==k:
                    for j in range(i+1,n):
                        if df['Text'][i]==df['Text'][j]: #If true, then the 'Text' rows are similar, i.e. grouped
                            #Every time there is a match, the position is flageed by turning it to 1
                            flags[j] = 1
                            sum += df['Score'][j]                    
                    result = sum                    
        final_result += [result]
    return final_result

df['Sum'] = func(df)

Answered By: GaussEuler