How to print all letter except mentioned letters


I am trying to find all letters except this mentioned letters 'a|e|i|o|u'

import re 
mystr ='love to code'
mydetails = re.findall(^'a|e|i|o|u',mystr)

So my output should be like below which should not be vowels letters

l v t c d 

But this not is not working ^

Asked By: yyy62103



I think using sub() from re may help you.

Code :

mydetails = re.sub(r'a|e|i|o|u','',mystr)
Answered By: Rupal Shah
mystr ='love to code'
char_to_remove = ['a','e','i', 'o', 'u']

mydetails = ' '.join([l for l in mystr if l not in char_to_remove])

print (mydetails)
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