Making program with Tkinter's entry widget that substitute placeholders in a word document


Can anyone help, im new to coding, im trying to create a document generator program that replaces placeholder words(words in curly braces,eg :{{NAME}}) in existing word documents(via path) by using tkinter entry widgets which then generates a new word document with the new changes,but i cant get the entry widget to work with the the dictionary(it uses the dictionary to swap the keys for the values using docxtemplate).simply put i want the value in the dictionary to be dynamic and changes based on a user’s entry input so it can be swapped with its key,if that makes sense.i was inspired by this video on youtube is a basic code(Note:i dont get any errors):

from pathlib import Path
from docxtpl import DocxTemplate
from tkinter import *  

document_path = Path(__file__).parent / (r"C:UsersAcerDesktoppythonMy name is.docx")
doc = DocxTemplate(document_path)

#define submit 
def submit():
    doc.render(swap) / "generated_doc.docx")

#The app window 
root = Tk()

#input field properties

swap={"NAME" : "Joe"}

#document generation button propeties


Asked By: New guy 93



Two things.

First, this is probably a bug, since the second part is already a full path.

document_path = Path(__file__).parent / (r"C:UsersAcerDesktoppythonMy name is.docx")

That should be:

document_path = Path(r"C:UsersAcerDesktoppythonMy name is.docx")

Second, you need to modify the dictionary with the contents of the Entry before the conversion.

def submit():
    # The following line updates the dictionary.
    swap["NAME"] = entry.get()
    doc.render(swap) / "generated_doc.docx")

And a suggestion. Instead of hardcoding a filename, use filedialog.askopenfilename() from a button callback to get the name of the file to process, like this:

fn = filedialog.askopenfilename(
    title='Word file to open',
    filetypes=(('Word files', '*.doc*'), ('all files', '*.*')),

After this returns, fn contains the path of the selected file.

Answered By: Roland Smith
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