How to aggregate DataFrame to count valus per ID in also with other columns in output Python Pandas?


I have DataFrame in Python Pandas like below:

ID  | COL1 | ... | COL_n
123 | P    | ... | ...
123 | P    | ... | ...
123 | M    | ... | ...
444 | BM   | ... | ...
567 | BM   | ... | ...
29  | P    | ... | ...

And I need to aggregate above columns so as to have output like below:

  • How many time client bought P -> col: X_P

  • How many time client bought M -> col: X_M

  • How many time client bought in total M + P -> col: X_PM

  • in my real dataset I have many more columns and I need to also have these columns in output

    ID COL1 COL_n X_P X_M X_PM
    123 P 2 1 3
    123 P 2 1 3
    123 M 2 1 3
    444 BM 0 0 0
    567 BM 0 0 0
    29 P 1 0 1

How can I do that in Python Pandas ?

Asked By: unbik



You could do two steps with pd.crosstab

s = (pd.crosstab(df['ID'],df['COL1'])[['M','P']].
        assign(MP=lambda x : x.sum(1)).
s.index = df.index
df = df.join(s)
    ID COL1  X_M  X_P  X_MP
0  123    P    1    2     3
1  123    P    1    2     3
2  123    M    1    2     3
3  444   BM    0    0     0
4  567   BM    0    0     0
5   29    P    0    1     1
Answered By: BENY