Why doesn't my discord bot respond to any command that I give in the chat


The problem that I am facing is that my discord bot does not respond or read the messages that I am writing in the chat.
The out put of the code down bellow is the users name and nothing else.

import discord
import random

TOKEN ='example'

client = discord.Client(intents=discord.Intents.default())

async def on_ready():
    print('We have logged in as{0.user}'.format(client))

async def on_message(message):
    username = str(message.author).split('#')[0]
    user_message = (message.content)
    channel = str(message.channel.name)
    print(f'{username}: {user_message} ({channel})')
    if message.author == client.user:

    if message.channel.name == 'example':
        if user_message.lower() == 'Hello':
            await message.channel.send(f'Hello {username}')
    elif user_message.lower() == 'bye':
        await message.channel.send(f'Hello {username}')
    elif user_message.lower() == '!random':
        response = f'This is your number: {random.randrange(1000000)}'
        await message.channel.send(response)
Asked By: AndrewJhones



The .lower() method only searches for lower case letters in a string, hence the name, so typing "Hello" into the chat will not trigger the command, as "Hello" has a capital "H". To fix your code you can either:

Change your code to

if user_message.lower() == 'hello':
   await message.channel.send(f'Hello {username}')

Notice you can still keep the capital H for hello in

await message.channel.send(f'Hello {username}')

Or, you could compare 2 values like this:

string = 'Hello'
if user_message == string:
   #the rest of your code goes here

Your full code should be:

import discord
import random

TOKEN ='exemple'

client = discord.Client(intents=discord.Intents.default())

async def on_ready():
    print('We have logged in as{0.user}'.format(client))

async def on_message(message):
    username = str(message.author).split('#')[0]
    user_message = (message.content)
    channel = str(message.channel.name)
    print(f'{username}: {user_message} ({channel})')
    if message.author == client.user:

    if message.channel.name == 'example':
        string = 'Hello'
        if user_message.casefold() == string:
            await message.channel.send(f'Hello {username}')
        elif user_message.lower() == 'bye':
            await message.channel.send(f'Hello {username}')
        elif user_message.lower() == '!random':
            response = f'This is your number: {random.randrange(1000000)}'
            await message.channel.send(response)
Answered By: Jack Arsenfield

Intents.default() doesn’t include the Message Content intent, which is now required. Without the intent, message.content will be empty.

More information in the docs:

Answered By: stijndcl

Your bot can’t read the content of the messages sent in a guild because it is missing the message_content intent.

You gave your bot only the default intents, which doesn’t include the message_content one.

client = discord.Client(intents=discord.Intents.default())

Here is how you fix it:

intents = discord.Intents.default()
intents.message_content = True
client = discord.Client(intents=intents)

In case your bot isn’t still able to read the content of the guild messages, you need also to turn on the message content intent in the Discord Developer Portal:

Select your app
Go to the "Bot" tab
Turn the "message content intent" on
Now your bot should be able to read the content of the messages sent in guilds.

Answered By: WeepyPuppy60
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