how to have re.sub work for multiple pattern replace on list of list?


I have a list of list
input- old_list:


my desired output – new_list:

[['hi',' ',' ','medication',...],
[' ', 'medication', ' ',...]...]

and I have tried


adict = {".": " ",
        "patient": " ",
        "bptb": " ",
for key, value in adict.items():
    new_list= [[re.sub(key, value, e) for e in d] for d in old_list]
replacements = [('.', ""),
                ("patient"," "),
                ("bptb", " "),
for old, new in replacements:
    new_list= [[re.sub(old, new, e) for e in d] for d in old_list]
  1. and replace(new_list, old, new) for ...

but none of them works, the output is the same as the original old_list.
Any suggestions? Thanks!

Asked By: FloriaT



  1. You need to use output of each iteration as input for a next iteration, i.e. in new_list instead of in old_list. And of course to initialize the variable before loop: new_list = old_list.
  2. Regex patterns should have r-prefix.
  3. As mentioned in comments, avoid naming variables with built-in names like dict and list.
import re

patterns = {
    r".": " ",
    r"patient": " ",
    r"bptb": " ",
    r"bmedb": "medication",
old_list = [['hi.', 'pt', 'patient', 'start med end'], ['.', 'md', 'pt', 'md']]

new_list = old_list
for key, value in patterns.items():
    new_list = [[re.sub(key, value, e) for e in d] for d in new_list]

Answered By: VsM
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