Can't create document with doc_type Elasticsearch – Python


I’m new to Elastic search
So im trying to create a document with specific ‘doc_type’, but when I pass in doc_type argument, I got this error:

elasticsearch.exceptions.RequestError: RequestError(400, ‘no handler found for uri [/employees/teacher/1] and method [PUT]’, ‘no handler found for uri [/employees/teacher/1] and method [PUT]’)

Does anyone know what is wrong?
My code:

es = Elasticsearch(
    http_auth=("elastic", "elastic"), 

body = {
    'name': 'John',
    'age': 21

# es.indices.create(index = 'employees')

# This line works fine
es.index(index='employees', id = 1, body = body, refresh = 'true' )

# This line caused the error
es.index(index='employees', doc_type='teacher', id = 1, body = body )
Asked By: Hải Đăng



Mapping types (aka doc_type) have been deprecated and you should simply use _doc instead or not specify the doc_type parameter at all like you did in the first es.index() statement.

As of release 8.0.0, doc_type has even been removed from the available parameters.

Answered By: Val
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