How to set the colored boxes in a specific order in plotly box plot?


I currently have a boxplot in plotly like so:
enter image description here

Below is the Code I used to generate it:

data = Audit_grouped[(Audit_grouped['type'] == t)
                      & (Audit_grouped['rank_desc'] == i)]

fig =, x = "year", y = "hours", color = "results",
             color_discrete_map = {'Pass': 'green', 'Fail': 'red'},

fig.update_layout(xaxis={'categoryorder':'category ascending'})
fig.write_image('Audit '+ str(i) + ' (' + str(t) + ').png')

I want to have the Fail boxplot be displayed on the left side first as opposed to it being on the right side.

How would I go on to do that?

Asked By: The Dodo



you can define that with the parameter category_orders when you create the box plot instead of updating the axes

in your case this will be as follow:

fig =, x = "year", y = "hours", color = "results",
             color_discrete_map = {'Pass': 'green', 'Fail': 'red'},
             category_orders={"results": ["Fail", "Pass"]}) # this is new line
Answered By: Lucas M. Uriarte
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