Add css to IPython.display to make it 100% of parent


I am displaying an image in a Jupyter notebook using the IPython.display library.

activeViewFromArray = ipywidgets.Output()
with activeViewFromArray:

How do I add css to it to allow me to make the width of the <img> generated by this display call to be 100% of the parent container?

If I inspect the page, I can easily make it 100% manually by updating the style of the <img> tag to be width:100%

enter image description here

However, if I just set that within the css file, all <img> tags get a 100% width.

Asked By: Kevin Sweeney



Can be accopmplished by add a class to the parent and then accessing the img child of the parent in css

activeViewFromArray = ipywidgets.Output()

with activeViewFromArray:


.img_array img {
    width: 100%;
Answered By: Kevin Sweeney
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