Using pytest, can the results of a testing-function cause a further testing-function to skip?


My goal is to skip a test based on the outcome of a previous testing-function.
In this code-snippet, I hoped test_zero would make skip_further_tests equal to True & therefore test_one would be skipped:

import pytest

skip_further_tests = False

def test_zero():
    global skip_further_tests
    skip_further_tests = True

@pytest.mark.skipif(skip_further_tests, reason='a previous test failed')
def test_one():

test_one doesn’t skip. Is there a way I can achieve my goal?

Asked By: tonitone120



You can check variable in test body. The drawback is that this pattern means that you rely on tests execution order, which is often bad practice.

import pytest

skip_further_tests = False

def test_zero():
    global skip_further_tests
    skip_further_tests = True

def test_one():
    if skip_further_tests:
        pytest.skip('Previous test failed')

This will result in the same results display as skipif decorator. Alternatively, you can write your own decorator, like

# Underscore to make it look different from pytest.mak.skipif
def skip_if(var_name: str, reason: str = 'Runtime condition not fulfilled'):

    def decorator(func):

        def inner(*args, **kwargs):
            if globals()[var_name]:
            return func(*args, **kwargs)

        return inner

    return decorator

def test_one():
Answered By: SUTerliakov
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