BeautifulSoup returning [] after getting user input


Upon asking the user for input it returns a empty list, I’ve tried looking at other answers with similar issues but none of them solved mine.

url = ""
resp = requests.get(url).text
page = BeautifulSoup(resp, "html.parser")

def Get_Links():
        inp = input("Enter data you wish to find: ")
        datavar = page.find_all(inp, 'a', href=True)


Asked By: somerandomguyhi



You need to pass as string argument to the find_all function for the text (text inside the anchor tag) search.

def Get_Links():
    inp = input("Enter data you wish to find: ")
    datavar = page.find_all('a', href=True, string=inp)
    return datavar


In [1]: Get_Links()
Enter data you wish to find: 2012
Out[1]: [<a href="/wiki/2012" title="2012">2012</a>]
Answered By: Rahul K P