How to stop a process but not the whole script


I have a CLI program in python that will run files. However, if a program is run that never stops, I want the user to be able to ‘kill’ that program, but not the whole script. The input for stopping the script could be the push of a certain key on the keyboard, I really have no clue how to do this and I couldn’t find any answers here. I am using a os.system process, here is a snippet of my code and an example:

if os.path.isfile('../file'):
    cmd = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '../file')
    os.system('{} {}'.format('python', cmd))
    print('Process finished')

And file contains the following code:

while True:
   print("Do stuff")

Please note that I cannot edit ‘file’ and I want to be able to stop the os.system process with a key pressed without killing the entire main script.

Asked By: PythonDudeLmao



You can encapsulate your block of code in a while loop that will run when the user enters text, and ends when a user enters an empty string (i.e. pressing the Enter or Return key).

while True:
    i = input("Enter text (or Enter to quit): ")
    if not i:
    if os.path.isfile(selectedDir+'/'+file):
      cmd = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), selectedDir+'/'+file)
      os.system('{} {}'.format('python', cmd))
      print('Process finished')
    print("Your input:", i)
print("While loop has exited")

Alternatively, you can use try and except to handle an exception, and simply continue your program by using pass without error handling:

  if os.path.isfile(selectedDir+'/'+file):
    cmd = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), selectedDir+'/'+file)
    os.system('{} {}'.format('python', cmd))
    print('Process finished')
except Exception:
  # Your script will continue
Answered By: asultan904
from subprocess import Popen,PIPE

is_running = False
if os.path.isfile('../file'):
    cmd = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '../file')
    #os.system('{} {}'.format('python', cmd))
    proc = Popen(["python3", "-m", cmd],stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
    is_running = False
    while is_running:
       output, error = proc.communicate()
    except KeyboardError:
       is_running = False
       #Here if Ctrl+C pressed you can exit the program with next line -> Uncomment 
       #IF you want the script to continue after exiting the program all you have to do is uncomment the PASS in next line

    print('Process finished')

You can modify this to check any Key pressed. I’ll tag that info here;

To Check For Specific Keyboard Input
Another answer, an overkill, but will do your job

Answered By: spramuditha
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