How to get everything between two characters?



string = "aabcdefgg"
string.inbetween("a", "g") # abcdefg

I want to avoid regex, if possible.

I want to get the characters in between the first occurrence of both arguments.

Asked By: Vlone



What about a simple find?

string = "aabcdefgg"
start = string.find("a") + 1
end = string.find("g", start) + 1
print(string[start:end])  # abcdefg
Answered By: bitflip

Getting the characters in between the first occurrence of both arguments:

def in_between(string,x,y)
    return string[string.index(x)+1:string.index(y)]
string = "aabcdefgg"
in_between(string,"a","g")  #abcdef

Your expected output in the side comment shows it’s the characters between the first occurrence of the first argument.

Getting the characters in between the last occurrence in the last argument:

def in_between(string,x,y)
    return string[string.index(x)+1:string.rindex(y)]
string = "aabcdefgg"
in_between(string,"a","g") # abcdefg
Answered By: Nazmus Sakib
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