Rank Column in Excel based on matching multiple columns


I have a table that looks like the following:

I’m trying to rank share of yards by game by position by team. I tried using rank.eq(index(filter())) but rank.eq seems to not accept this input.

I’m also willing to use pandas and python if you know how to do it there.


Asked By: 在去中国



Would love if MS would release a RANKIFS function. But you can mimic by using a COUNTIFS formula. This will rank share-of-yards by Position/Game/Team.

Cell F2 formula:

=COUNTIFS(Table1[[#All],[Position]],[@Position],Table1[[#All],[GameID]],[@GameID],Table1[[#All],[Team]],[@Team],Table1[[#All],[Share of Yards]],">"&E2)+1

enter image description here

Answered By: Isolated