How do i print specific parts of a users input based on another users input?


I’m confused on how I print a specific users input based on another input entered by a user. For example if I had a sample input of:

1 3

I would want it to output A and B since A is the first element and B is the third.

How would I do this with a code like this:

user = input().split()
user1 = input()
print()#Don't know what to do from here

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

Asked By: YxC



Maybe this is the code you are looking for:

user = input().split()
user1 = input().split()
for i in range(len(user)):
    if str(i + 1) in user1:
Answered By: m2r105

Try using iteration to take values from user1 and get the values of user with indexes from user1.

So something like so:

values = input().split(" ") #changed user to values for readability
indexes = input().split(" ") #changed user1 to indexes

print(" ".join([values[int(i)-1] for i in indexes if int(i) <= len(values)]))

This uses list comprehension to simplify the iteration we need to use and join to convert the resultant list into a string.

Answered By: user17301834

this will solve your problem

user = input().split()
user1 = [int(i) for i in input().split()]
for i in user1:
Answered By: Ashish Lotake
> A A B B
> 1 3

I would assign the input values to lists, then use the numbers in the second list as indices

if __name__ == '__main__':
    first_input = input('Input some letters: ')
    first_list = first_input.split(' ')
    second_input = input('Input some numbers: ')
    second_list = second_input.split(' ')
    for num in second_list:
        second_list[second_list.index(num)] = int(num)
    third_list = []
    for num in second_list:
    print(f'The letters are: {third_list}')

And the output would be:

> Input some letters: A A B B
> Input some numbers: 1 3
> The letters are: ['A', 'B']
Answered By: Cornelius-Figgle
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