How to calculate percentage of row value in sum of total values in that column in python?


I have data frame containing red and blue balloons and I want to see what is the percentage of either balloons using Python:

Balloons Count
Red 10
Blue 90

Balloons Count Percentage
Red 10 10%
Blue 90 90%



red_percent = 100 * red / (red + blue)
blue_percent = 100 * blue / (red + blue)


red_percent = 100 * red / (red + blue)
blue_percent = 100 - red_percent 
Answered By: Zhihar

if you have the numbers of occurencies you can do that with just a little of math

red_ballons = 10
blue_ballons = 90

total_ballons = red_ballons + blue_ballons

red_percentage = red_ballons  / total_ballons  * 100 #*100 because %
blue_percentage = blue_ballons  / total_ballons  * 100 #*100 because %

Im not sure if this is what you were looking for but i hope it helps

Answered By: Sheyteo


data['Percentage'] = (data['Count']/data['Count'].sum()) *100
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