How to make a filter/remove like function to remove instances of an integer in a list by using a reduce function only in python


Hey I am pretty new to python and self learning it for me to eventually be somewhat decent in my coding skill i have got an idea of using map/filter/reduce functions. I am trying a challenge friend gave me to remove and element from list using remove filter and reduce

here is my code for filter

def removeall_ft(item, test_list):
    res = list(filter(lambda x: x!=item, test_list))
    return res
print(removeall_ft(0, [1,0,1]))
it gives [1,1]

working great

import functools

def removeall_rd(item, test_list):

    res = functools.reduce(lambda x,y: x if y!=item else x, test_list)
    return res

print(removeall_ft(0, [1,0,1]))

but this doesnt give me desired answer any help is appreciated

Asked By: Dani_lucifer923



functools.reduce returns a new(or mutated) object

def reduce_step(return_so_far,this_value):
    if this_value !=item:
       return [*return_so_far,this_value]
    return return_so_far

it takes a method to reduce, a target list, and an optional initial_value for the result (return_so_far)

item = 4
result = reduce(reduce_step,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7],[])

as mentioned in the comments this is not a very good way to filter a list

Answered By: Joran Beasley
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