Is there a way to make a chain of variables, each one being dependent on the one that came before?


Im triyng to make a program that takes into account the number of one variable (chosen at random) to decide the value of the next, and i need to repeat this 11 times (so n3 would depend of n2, n4 of n3, etc.) the idea would be a code like:

def rayuela_cuerpo():
    n2 = random.choice([0,1])
    if n2 == 0:
        n3 = random.choice([1,3])
        return n3
    elif n2 == 1:
        n3 = random.choice([0,2])
        return n3

    if n3 == 0 or n3 == 1:
        n4 = random.choice([1,3])
        return n4
    elif n3 == 2 or n3 == 3:
        n4 = random.choice([0,2])
        return n4 

    if n3 == 0 or n3 == 1:
        n4 = random.choice([1,3])
        return n4
    elif n3 == 2 or n3 == 3:
        n4 = random.choice([0,2])
        return n4

but that it would work.

Asked By: PythonStarter



A way that you could do what you are saying is to do:

def random_simulation(entry_number): # generate a random number based on the input number given to the function
    if entry_number == 0:
        return random.choice([1,3]) # returns the value to where this function was called
    elif entry_number == 1:
        return random.choice([0,2]) # returns the value to where this function was called

def rayuela_cuerpo():
    origin_number = 0
    for _ in range(11): # run through the function 11 times and update the value for the next time the function is run
        origin_number = random_simulation(origin_number)
    return origin_number # return the last number to be generated from the for loop
Answered By: Andrew Ryan

I needed to use it later so this is how the final code ended up looking like:

def random_simulation(entry_number): # Genera un número aleatorio basado en un input dado a la función.
if entry_number == 0 or entry_number == 1:
    return random.choice([1,3]) # Devuelve el valor hacia dónde es llamada la función.
elif entry_number == 2 or entry_number == 3:
    return random.choice([0,2]) # Devuelve el valor hacia dónde es llamada la función.

def rayuela_cuerpo():
    origin_number = 0 
    posiciones_casillas = []
    for _ in range(12): # Recorre la función 12 veces y actualiza el valor para la próxima vez que es corrida la función.
        posiciones_casillas += [origin_number]
        origin_number = random_simulation(origin_number)
    return posiciones_casillas # Devuelve las 12 casillas aleatorias generadas guardadas en una lista.

Thanks Andrew Ryan for the HUGE help

Answered By: PythonStarter
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