How to get the whole row with column names while looking for a minimum value?


I have a data frame. There are four columns.

enter image description here

I can find a minimum number using this code:

df_temp=df_A2C.loc[ (df_A2C['TO_ID'] == 7)]

mini_value = df_temp['DURATION_H'].min()
print("minimum value in column 'TO_ID' is: " , mini_value)


minimum value in column 'TO_ID' is:  0.434833333333333

Now, I am trying to get the whole row with all column names while looking for a minimum value using TO_ID. Something like this.

enter image description here

How can we get the whole row with all column names while looking for a minimum value?

Asked By: Oceans



if you post the data as a code or text, I would have been able to share the result

assumption: you’re searching for a minimum value for a specific to_id

# as per your code, filter out by to_id
# sort the result on duration and take the top value

df_A2C.loc[ (df_A2C['TO_ID'] == 7)].sort_values('DURATION_H').head(1)
Answered By: Naveed