Edit: Can I detect *any key* being pressed without input or installing any module?


I am writing a code where the text comes out like this:

import time
def animation(phrase):
  for i in phrase:
    print(i,end="",flush=True)     #Animates text to be printed out one by one

While the text is coming out one by one, the user can press enter in between the letters. After, that I have a code that asks for input and it assumes the enter key was the input the user put in.

I have tried using the keyboard module and other modules, I also want to avoid using the input function to detect whether it is an enter key or not.

I want to detect, at any point in my program when the enter key is pressed.

P.S I am using Grok, on online Python platform.

Asked By: TaterTots'



To detect keyboard input you will need to use the Curses library.
Which is a built-in library in python.

import curses
import os

def main(win):
    key = ""
    win.addstr("Detected key:") # curses version of print

    while True:
            key = win.getkey() # here it tries to detect the key
            win.addstr("Detected key:")
            win.addstr(str(key)) #print the key to the display here
            if key == os.linesep:
                break #check where there is a line seperation if so it breaks
        except Exception:
            # No input
            pass #If no key is pressed it just passes and loops again


Here is an example where it checks whether a key is pressed and then displays it to the window.

you can edit this to your needs.

Tutorial on Curses Library

Here is a minimal example in curses

Answered By: Sasen Perera

While it "is possible" to do so without installing any extra-library, I’d say, it is possible, of course, but it is complicated:

To be able to read keys without waiting from an enter, requires reconfiguring the terminal device(the bridge between the program that displays a terminal window for you and the sys.stdin and sys.stdout files the Python code "sees"). This reconfiguration takes a lot of parameters, is different across windows and other operating systems, and you have to restore the default configurations after you are done reading the keyboard: it can be a lot of code.

On the other hand, there are libraries that do all that for you. One such library is "terminedia". It is lightweight, currently with one single dependency – it comes with the getch() function that automatically does the configuration/deconfiguration above, and waits for a single key-press in between:

from terminedia import getch
import time

def animation(phrase):
  for i in phrase:
    print(i,end="",flush=True)     #Animates text to be printed out one by one
    getch()  # wait for a keypress

(disclaimer: I am terminedia’s author. For other people reaching here in search of non-blocking keyboard reading – there is also terminedia.inkey: won’t block at all waiting for a keypress, and terminedia.ainput: offering an async version of Python input.)

Answered By: jsbueno
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