if elif is giving the wrong result


It’s only giving me the result of the first operation wich is multiply even if my input was addition

operation = input('Choose:n Mltiply(*)n Divise(/)n Add(+)n Subbstract(-)n ')
if operation == 'mutiply' or 'Multiply' or 'MULTIPLY' or '*':
    num1 = input('Write Your number :')
    num2 = input('Write your next number :')
    result = float(num1) * float(num2)
    print(result )
elif operation == 'DIVISE' or 'divise' or 'Divise' or '/':
    num1 = input('Write Your number :')
    num2 = input('Write your next number :')
    result = float(num1) / float(num2)
    print(result )
elif operation == 'Add' or 'add' or 'ADD' or '+':
    num1 = input('Write Your number :')
    num2 = input('Write your next number :')
    result = float(num1) + float(num2)
    print(result )
elif operation == 'Subbstract' or 'subbstract' or 'SUBBSTRACT' or '-':
    num1 = input('Write Your number :')
    num2 = input('Write your next number :')
    result = float(num1) - float(num2)
    print(result )
    print('SYNTAX ERROR')
Asked By: TNZ



Use the in operator

elif operation in {'DIVISE', 'divise', 'Divise', '/'}:

for every if/else block.

You can find a good explanation here:
Why does "a == x or y or z" always evaluate to True? How can I compare "a" to all of those?

Answered By: bitflip

Use in

operation = input('Choose:n Mltiply(*)n Divise(/)n Add(+)n Subbstract(-)n ')
if operation.lower() in ['mutiply', '*']:
    num1 = input('Write Your number :')
    num2 = input('Write your next number :')
    result = float(num1) * float(num2)
    print(result )
elif operation.lower() in ['mutiply', '*']:
    num1 = input('Write Your number :')
    num2 = input('Write your next number :')
    result = float(num1) / float(num2)
    print(result )
..... replicate the above code for other operations ....

Why is your code always meet the fist condition?

operation == 'mutiply' or 'Multiply' or 'MULTIPLY' or '*' this always gives you True,

if 'Multiply':
     # Always return true
Answered By: Rahul K P
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