Failing to add constant numbers to data frames – NaN NaN NaN NaN


I am trying to add some constant values to a data frame.

I have successfully done multiplication, but now addition does not work.

This works:

df_C2H_TT_y1['DURATION_H'] = df_C2H_TT_y1['DURATION_H'] * 0.95

This does not work:

TT_Base = pd.DataFrame()
TT_Base["TT"] = (0.05 + A2C_TT_x2['DURATION_H']) + 0.25 + df_C2H_TT_y1['DURATION_H'] + 0.58333333333333333333333333333333)


5        NaN
10       NaN
23       NaN
31       NaN
44       NaN
637842   NaN
638152   NaN
638153   NaN
638199   NaN
638365   NaN
Name: Yes, Length: 32819, dtype: float64

What is wrong here?

Asked By: LearningLogic



Your code has no problem from outside. But it will only work if certain conditions are satisfied. For ex. if both all data frames on the right side are in same format, same length then there shouldn’t be any errors.

But when there are operations like this, it’s best to explicitly cover all conditions.

To elaborate more please post A2C_TT_x2['DURATION_H'] and df_C2H_TT_y1['DURATION_H'] etc.

Answered By: spramuditha

you should try df.values. Hope it should work.

TT_Base = pd.DataFrame()
TT_Base["Base_TT"] = 0.05 + A2C_TT_x2['DURATION_H'].values + 0.25 + df_C2H_TT_y1['DURATION_H'].values + 0.58333333333333333333333333333333
Answered By: Oceans