python remove unknown text inside specific mark


I have this text
text = "{g1}Hello world!{i6}"
I want to remove the curly brackets and the text inside them without knowing what is inside the curly brackets,
I know how to remove a specific text by using .replace("Hello", "Hi")
(sorry for my English)

Asked By: anime xh



You can use regular expressions to find & replace a particular pattern of characters.

In this case, a suitable regex pattern would be {\.{2}}.

  • { matches a "{" character
  • \ matches a "" character
  • . matches any character except line breaks
  • {2} match exactly 2 of the preceding token (. in this case)
  • } matches a "}" character

So your python script would be:

import re

PATTERN = r'{\.{2}}'

text = '{g1}Hello world!{i6}'

clean_text = re.sub(PATTERN, '', text)


And it would produce the output:

Hello world!
Answered By: PangolinPaws
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