How to convert list to int


I am trying to write a code to calculate the average of the height of the student
that is my code

 height = input("what is your higthn").split()

for n in range(0, len(height)):

    height[n] = int(height[n])


t = 0

for i in height:

    t += height


and I have error

  t += higths

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 'int' and 'list'
Asked By: Amrassad



Use enumerate on the for loop to access to the list indexes and convert it to int.
Then calculate the sum divided by the len of the list.

height = input("what is your higthn").split()

for i, element in enumerate(height) : 
    height[i] = int(element)

# Average
Answered By: Adrien Riaux
height = [ int(h) for h in input("what's your heightsn").strip("[]").replace(","," ").split()]
print(sum(height) / len(height))


what's your heights
1 2 3 4 5 6

what's your heights
[1, 2 ,3,4 5 6]
Answered By: Xin Cheng
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