how to implement random choice


how to implement random choice on both url? I had tired when send request i get response from both api not from any one

  @app.route('/v1.1/userRegistor', methods=['POST','GET'])
def job():
    data = request.get_json()
    api_url =f'{numbers}&type=text&message=Your OTP is %20{value}&instance_id=api1&access_token=api1'
    api1_url=f'{numbers}&type=text&message=Your OTP is %20{value}&instance_id=api2&access_token=api2'

    r = requests.get(api1_url).text
    t = requests.get(api_url).text
    return item
Asked By: Mubeenuddin Abbasi



Choosing the random from both API responses it’s a bad approach. You can randomly choose the URL and fetch the API response from the selected URL.

@app.route('/v1.1/userRegistor', methods=['POST','GET'])
def job():
    data = request.get_json()
    api_url =f'{numbers}&type=text&message=Your OTP is %20{value}&instance_id=api1&access_token=api1'
    api1_url=f'{numbers}&type=text&message=Your OTP is %20{value}&instance_id=api2&access_token=api2'
    url = random.choice([api_url, api1_url])
    return requests.get(url).text
Answered By: Rahul K P
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