Why my list is not being converted to a float


I have the list of [0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5].

def calc_mean(arglist):
    return sum(arglist)/len(arglist)

print(calc_mean([0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5]))

I have another list, strlist = ['0.5','1.5','2.5','3.5'] and I need to convert the elements in it to floats and then calculate the average but I’m getting the error:

unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str') because the line return sum(arglist)/len(arglist) is working with integers and strlist is a string why strlist isn’t being converted to a float and it’s being treated as a str even though I converted it using [float(i) if ‘.’ in i else int(i) for i in strlist]

def str2float(strlist):
   flist = [float(i) if '.' in i else int(i) for i in strlist] 
   return flist

strlist =  ['0.5','1.5','2.5','3.5']
Asked By: HAZEM




As noted in comments, you have not converted strlist before passing it to calc_mean.

Answered By: Chris

According to @craigb and @Chris, you have to call the conversion function first and then the averaging function.


If you want to rewrite the code so that you simply automate this control, you can do it in several ways, for example:

def calc_mean(arglist):
        return sum(arglist) / len(arglist)
    except TypeError:
        recasted_list = str2float(arglist)
        return sum(recasted_list) / len(recasted_list)

Also, I suggest rewriting the recast function in a simpler and robust way like this:

def str2float(strlist):
    return [float(i) for i in strlist]

It can be done in many other ways of course, but it always depends on the extent of the upstream problem you want to solve.

Answered By: Giuseppe La Gualano
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