Find the first/last n words of a string with a maximum of 20 characters using regex


I’m trying to find any number of words at the beginning or end of a string with a maximum of 20 characters.

This is what I have right now:

s1 = "Hello,    World! This is a reallly long string"
match ="^(b.{0,20}b)", s1)
print(f"'{}'") # 'Hello, World! This '

My problem is the extra space that it adds at the end. I believe this is because b matches either the beginning or the end of the string but I’m not sure what to do about it.

I run into the same issue if I try to do the same with the end of the string but with a leading space instead:

s1 = "Hello,    World! This is a reallly long string"
match ="(b.{0,20}b)$", s1)
print(f"'{}'") # ' reallly long string'

I know I can just use rstrip and lstrip to get rid of the leading/trailing whitespace but I was just wondering if there’s a way to do it with regex.

Asked By: NOT



You can use r"^(.{0,19}Sb|)" (regex demo), S ensuring to have a non space character on the bound. You need to decrease the number of previous characters to 19 and use | with empty string to match 0 characters if needed:

import re
s1 = "Hello,    World! This is a reallly long string"
match ="^(.{0,19}Sb|)", s1)
print(f"'{}'", len(


'Hello,    World' 15

For the end of string r"(|bS.{0,19})$" (regex demo):

import re
s1 = "Hello,    World! This is a reallly long string"
match ="(|bS.{0,19})$", s1)
print(f"'{}'", len(


'reallly long string' 19
why (...|)?

to enable zeros characters, the below example would fail with ^(.{0,19}Sb)

import re
s1 = "X"*21
match ="^(.{0,19}Sb|)$", s1)
print(f"'{}'", len(


'' 0
Answered By: mozway

You may use this regex:


S (not a whitespace) at start and end guarantees that your matches start and with with a non-whitespace character.

RegEx Demo

Code Demo


import re

s = "Hello,    World! This is a reallly long string"

print(re.findall(r'^S.{0,18}Sb|bS.{0,18}S$', s))
# ['Hello,    World', 'reallly long string']
Answered By: anubhava
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