ModuleNotFoundError using Flask


I’m trying to make a Flask api :
from flask import Flask
from flask_restful import Api
from routes import MyObject

app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)

api.add_resource(MyObject, '/')

if __name__ == '__main__':
from myobject import MyObject
from flask_restful import Resource

class MyObject(Resource):
    def get(self):
        return {'hello': 'world'}

When I run my application (python, I get a ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'myobject'
I don’t understand why python can’t find my module myobject. Is there something i’m missing in my

Asked By: Portevent



For, it also needs the relative import or absolute import path in order to work correctly.


# relative import
from .myobject import MyObject

# absolute import
from routes.myobject import MyObject

In another approach, you can write to import MyObject more specifically like this and leave an empty file.

# ...

from routes.myobject import MyObject

# ...
Answered By: Fony Lew

I believe the problem is due to your app running in the "main" directory and your import residing in a sub directory. Basically your app thinks you are trying to import "/main/" instead of "/main/routes/"

Change your import in __init__ to from .myobject import MyObject

The . means "this directory" (essentially).

Answered By: OneMadGypsy
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